Safe Drinking Water Act
- To protect public health, the Safe Drinking Water Act was first passed by Congress in 1974
- The law serves to protect the nation's many drinking water sources (lakes, reservoirs, rivers, springs, and ground water wells)
- It grants the EPA the authority to establish nation wide standards for drinking water sources. These standards protect against contaminants that may be found in drinking water
- An amendment was passed in 1996 highlighted the importance of source water protection, established funding for improvements to water systems and public outreach
- Currently, there are more than 160,000 public water systems in the United States
Drinking Water Sources in Maine
- There are 2,800 great ponds in Maine and only about 3% of these serve as drinking water sources for residents
- 48% of water consumed by the public in Maine comes from surface water utilities
- Of these, there are 40 freshwater sources, 10 of which are not filtered prior to disinfection. The costs of filtration are high, so cities/towns with this exception are able to save millions of dollars.
- Jordan Pond serves the 818 residents for the Town of Mount Desert year round, and the many additional summer visitors to the area as well.
- The work being done on Jordan Pond will help to ensure these waters stay clear, and remain a clean and safe drinking water source for residents